Fastphase was founded in the Spring of 2002 to address two of the major challenges facing the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries: Time to market and product safety.

From the industry perspective, time to market remains the primary business issue. Companies are losing significant revenue for each day a drug is delayed getting to market. 97% of all trials are done on paper and over 80% are delayed.

Paper-based clinical trials are time consuming and most current Electronic Data Capture (EDC) solutions are achieving little to improve the whole process. In retrospect, adoption has been slower than expected and as of today still no more than 5% of clinical trials are performed with EDC. Analysts have concluded that clinicians are the lynchpin for adoption and that no EDC is providing enough value to the sites to be widely adopted.

Fastphase is the pioneer in developing clinical trial data capture and management software that focuses on integrating clinical trials with patient care. The company's vision is that by bridging clinical trial requirements and medical care needs in one solution, sites productivity and retention is increased, patient safety is increased and sponsor's long-term strategy is fulfilled.




Copyright © 2002-2007, Fastphase, Inc. All rights reserved.